your kids will love church!
Kids At Manor
infant - age 5
Kids birth-age 5 are invited to participate in an age-appropriate Sunday morning program that allows them the chance to have fun, make crafts, and enjoy time with friends while they learn about God. This program is offered during the 9am & 10:30am Sunday services.

Toddler Gym is on Wednesday mornings from 9-11am. We will have one circle time at 10am, but you can come and go as you are able. There will be snacks for the kids!
Jan. 8 - Mar. 12
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Elementary age kids enjoy interactive lessons, fun worship music (and they can dance along), and an age-appropriate program that allows them to have fun, make crafts, and enjoy time with friends while they learn about God. Our program for elementary-aged kids is offered during the 9am & 10:30am Sunday services and 6:30-8PM on Wednesday evenings.
January 8 - May 14 (*no gathering on April 16)
4th, 5th & 6th Grade
Programs for preteens offer fun group games, time musical worship, and a bible-based message that is created with age in mind. Preteens will find a relaxed atmosphere where they can have fun, catch up with friends, and learn about God. Programming for this age group is offered during the 10:30am Sunday service.

During the school year, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students are invited to join us for REMIX on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm. We will dig in deeper to God’s Word, have fun with games, and enjoy snacks! Midweek programs kick off again on January 8!
January 8 - May 14 (*no gathering on April 16)

For Parents
Parents, we thank you for the opportunity to interact with your kids once or twice a week. We find this time both important and valuable for us and them! Also, we understand that a lot of the impact on their lives will come from home. We also know it is both a challenge and an opportunity to raise kids in these current times. If you'd like to join our kids ministry email list so you can stay in touch with all of the latest news, resources, and upcoming events for our kids ministry, click the link below.