Monthly Weekly List
February 2025
Sunday Service
Sunday services are at 9 & 10:30AM. Kids Ministry Programs | 9* & 10:30AM Student Ministry Programs | 10:30AM *Programs for kids in 4th-6th grade are only active during 10:30AM Service*
Isaiah Scripture Study Life Group
A Study of Isaiah Sunday Mornings 9AM in room 134 Led by David Longsderff
Sunday Service
Sunday services are at 9 & 10:30AM. Kids Ministry Programs | 9* & 10:30AM Student Ministry Programs | 10:30AM *Programs for kids in 4th-6th grade are only active during 10:30AM Service*
Plug In Life Group
Looking for Connection? Test drive Life Groups at Manor with this Plug In Life Group! Join others for group discussion each Sunday at 10:30am expanding on the message content of the 9am service. Sundays 10:30 AM Connections Café (lower level) Led by Henry & Melody Keegan
Monday Night Pick-Up Volleyball
Monday night pick up volleyball will consist of skill development and family open nets in the Manor Church gym. This will be beginner friendly play recommended for players 7th grade and up. Skill development (ideal for players of any level who would like to improve their skills) will take place from 5:30-7pm with the last half hour or so being ...
Journeys is a monthly event that provides fun and fellowship for single adults affected by disability. For more information, contact our Disability Ministries Director, Christie Hunt.
Women’s Bible Study
Our Women’s Bible Study gathers each Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:30am in rooms 138 & 139. We will take a break on 12/24 and 12/31.
Toddler Gym
Toddler Gym meets on Wednesdays from 9-11am in the church gym. Bring your toddlers and enjoy connection time for parents and caregivers. We will have one circle time at 10am, but you can come and go as you are able. There will be snacks for the kids! Begins October 16, 2024 – March 12, 2025. No gathering on 12/25 or ...
Midweek Kids at Manor
Our Kids at Manor (K-3rd) + Remix (4th-6th) Midweek Gatherings are in session 6:30-8PM on Wednesday nights! FALL: September 11 thru December 11 (no gathering on Nov. 27).
Midweek Students at Manor
Midweek Gathering for students in 7th-12th grade from 6:45-8PM with check in beginning at 6:30PM. FALL: September 11 thru December 11 (no gathering on Nov. 20 & Nov. 27).
Thursday Night Pick-Up Volleyball
Thursday night pick up volleyball will be intermediate to advanced open nets in the Manor Church gym. Players should be 16 years old (exceptions may be made by the church), have at least a couple of years of experience, and be able to demonstrate fundamental volleyball skills like serving, passing, setting, hitting, blocking, and defensive skills, as well as knowledge ...
Sunday Service
Sunday services are at 9 & 10:30AM. Kids Ministry Programs | 9* & 10:30AM Student Ministry Programs | 10:30AM *Programs for kids in 4th-6th grade are only active during 10:30AM Service*
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