Egg Hunt
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 8 at 10:30AM at the Daniel’s Den Playground at Manor Church. This event is rain or shine–we’ll move inside if it rains. Come join us for free family fun! Our egg hunt is open to all kids up through grade 6. There will be raffles, prizes, coffee & over 6,000 eggs! Join the fun and learn why we celebrate Easter.
Questions? Andrea Kahler | andreak@manorchurch.org
We are excited to include kids of all abilities this year! We are offering an adapted egg hunt for kids with different abilities up to the age of 14.
Questions? Christie Hunt | christieh@manorchurch.org
There will be food trucks on site where you can purchase lunch for your family!
For more information on Easter Weekend at Manor Church, visit https://www.manorchurch.org/easter-weekend/